CoRoT/ESTA Meeting 3

2005©MJM | 2005-10-21

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This page provides information on the 3rd CoRoT/ESTA Meeting. For further details, please see the following sections (below) on;

CoRoT Evolution and Seismic Tools Activity
Workshop on Model Comparison

26-27 September 2005

Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice - France

Following the meeting in Toulouse it is now essential to define a road map for the model comparisons, having the 9th CoRoT Week in mind. In order to evaluate where we are and what must be done in the next three months a dedicated workshop is necessary. Such a meeting will allow us to define what are the specific tasks (and who will be working on them) that must be completed before the next CoRoT Week.

With these objectives, a meeting of the ESTA group has taken place in the Nice Observatory, lasting for two days, on the 26-27 September 2005.


Please send an email to Janine.Provost*, with copy to mjm* (please replace * by @), indicating that you will be attending the workshop.

The confirmed participants are:

  1. Annie Baglin (Paris)
  2. Gabrielle Berthomieu (Nice)
  3. Matthieu Castro (Toulouse)
  4. Joergen Christensen-Dalsgaard (Aarhus)
  5. Thierry Corbard (Nice)
  6. Scilla Degl'Innocenti (Pisa)
  7. João Fernandes (Coimbra)
  8. Marie-Jo Goupil (Paris)
  9. Yveline Lebreton (Paris)
  10. Marcella Marconi (Napoli)
  11. Josefina Montalban (Liège)
  12. Mário Monteiro (Porto)
  13. Pierre Morel (Nice)
  14. Andy Moya (Paris)
  15. Bernard Pichon (Nice)
  16. Janine Provost (Nice)
  17. Ian Roxburgh (London)
  18. Richard Scuflaire (Liège)
  19. Marian Suran (Romania)
  20. Frederic Thevenin (Nice)
  21. Achim Weiss (Garching)

Final programme and results:

If you have any question regarding the programme please send an email to Yveline.Lebreton * and mjm* (please replace * by @).

Each participant has provided a short report and/or copy of the presentation which is available as a PDF file linked from the title of the contribution given in the programme.

Monday 26th:  
10:00-11:00 Welcome Coffee
11:00-11:10 Opening Session (J. Provost)
11:10-11:30 ESTA - past and present (M. Monteiro)
11:30-11:50 ASTEC (J. Christensen-Daslgaard)
11:50-12:10 CESAM (B. Pichon, P. Morel)
12:10-12:30 Local versions of CESAM and possible differences: Coimbra, Meudon-Rennes, Bucharest (J. Fernandes, Y. Lebreton, M. Suran)
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-14:50 CLES and OSC (R. Scuflaire)
14:50-15:10 FRANEC (S. Degl'Innocenti, M. Marconi)
15:10-15:30 GARSTEC (A. Weiss)
15:30-15:50 STAROX (I. Roxburgh)
15:50-16:10 TGEC (M. Castro)
16:10-16:40 Coffee break
16:40-18:10 Discussion: Differences between codes, the best strategy to compare some of the key aspects, implementation of new physics, etc (Chair: M.-J. Goupil)
18:10-18:30 Discussion: Preparing the ESTA Workshop in Aarhus (Chair: J. Christensen-Dalsgaard)
20:30-??:?? Workshop Dinner

Tuesday 27th:  
09:30-10:10 Task 1 - Results and implications: what needs to be done and how? (Y. Lebreton, M. Monteiro)
10:10-10:30 Asteroseismology of intermediate mass PMS stars: the case of IP Per (M. Marconi)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:40 CESAM 2K - CLES 18: Case 1.5 (J. Montalban, Y. Lebreton)
11:40-12:00 Non-solar scaled models for planet host stars (J. Fernandes)
12:00-12:30 Discussion: What more should be done to "close" Task 1 - identification of work packages and goals (Chair: I. Roxburgh)
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-14:50 CoRoT and what is expected from ESTA (A. Baglin)
14:50-15:10 Development of Task 2: Hares-and-Hounds (M. Monteiro)
14:10-15:30 Development of Task 3: Frequency comparison (A. Moya)
15:30-16:30 Discussion: ESTA Road Map - who does what and when (Chair: M. Monteiro)
  * END *


The workshop took place at the conference room (La Nef in CION building) at the Nice Observatory.

All participants were asked to indicate their wish to attend the workshop in order to allow the organization to plan meals and transportation between the city and the Observatory.

Please see the information available on hotels in Nice and on the bus to the Observatory.