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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

TW Hya under CRIRES light: evidence against the presence of a hot Jupiter

P. Figueira, F. Pepe, N. C. Santos, C. Melo, X. Bonfils, N. Huélamo, S. Udry, D. Queloz

High-precision radial velocity measurements have suffered from stellar spots effects for more than one decade. With the advent of high-resolution infra-red spectrographs, one is allowed to move into a new spectral domain where the influence of these stellar phenomena on measurements is significantly reduced. 
We present the first results of our CRIRES campaign on TW Hya, around which a periodic optical radial velocity variation was found and attributed to a planet. Our work showed that the signal is not present in the infra-red, pointing to a cold spot instead of to a planet as the explanation for the different data sets. This campaign demonstrates the power of this new approach and shows that CRIRES can deliver high-precision radial velocity measurements.

Extrasolar Planets in Multi-Body Systems: Theory and Observations
(Eds.) K. Goździewski, A. Niedzielski, J. Schneider

European Astronomical Society Publication Series
Vol. 42, Page 125

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