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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

TC Trends And Terrestrial Planet Formation: The Case of Zeta Reticuli

V. Zh. Adibekyan, E. Delgado Mena, P. Figueira, S. G. Sousa, N. C. Santos, J. P. Faria, J. I. González Hernández, G. Israelian, G. Harutyunyan, L. Suárez-Andrés, A. A. Hakobyan

During the last decade astronomers have been trying to search for chemical signatures of terrestrial planet formation in the atmospheres of the hosting stars. Several studies suggested that the chemical abundance trend with the condensation temperature, Tc, is a signature of rocky planet formation. In particular, it was suggested that the Sun shows 'peculiar' chemical abundances due to the presence of the terrestrial planets in our solar-system. However, the rocky material accretion or the trap of rocky materials in terrestrial planets is not the only explanation for the chemical 'peculiarity' of the Sun, or other Sun-like stars with planets. In this talk I madea very brief review of this topic, and presented our last results for the particular case of Zeta Reticuli binary system: A very interesting and well-known system (known in science fiction and ufology as the world of Grey Aliens, or Reticulans) where one of the components hosts an exo-Kuiper belt, and the other component is a 'single', 'lonely' star.



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Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences

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