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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
Characterization of planetary atmospheres

Pedro Machado

It will be presented tools for unveiling the dynamics and composition of planetary atmospheres. Taking advantage of high-resolution spectra of back-scattered stellar radiation on planetary atmospheres, one could retrieve wind velocity fields using high-resolution spectroscopy (Doppler velocimetry). I will present research protocols and their related results in the case of long slit spectroscopy (VLT/UVES) and fibre-fed spectroscopy (CFHT/ESPaDOnS). It is also possible to track the temporal evolution of cloud features in order to derive wind velocities. It will be presented results from space-based coordinated observations and ground-based ones using cloud tracking methods. I also intend to show the process used in order to produce synthetic spectra to test the robustness and reliability of the used spectroscopy techniques. Finally, it will be presented a case study of a Solar System planetary transit (Venus) as an effective experiment for atmospheric research studies.

17 março 2016, 13:30

Centro de Astrofísica
Rua das Estrelas
4150-762 Porto