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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Pairwise Dwarf Galaxy Formation and Galaxy Downsizing: Some Clues from Extremely Metal-Poor Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies

P. Papaderos

Some of the extremely metal-poor Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies (XBCDs) in the nearby universe form galaxy pairs with remarkably similar properties. This fact points to an intriguing degree of synchronicity in the formation history of these binary dwarf galaxies and raises the question as to whether some of them form and co-evolve pairwise (or in loose galaxy groups), experiencing recurrent mild interactions and minor tidally induced star formation episodes throughout their evolution. We argue that this hypothesis offers a promising conceptual framework for the exploration of the retarded previous evolution and recent dominant formation phase of XBCDs.

Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Proceedings of Symposium 3 of JENAM 2010

(Eds.) P. Papaderos, S. Recchi, G. Hensler

Página 321

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