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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Characterizing Earth-like planets around small stars

Programa Pessoa - Acordo entre Portugal e França 2015-2016

Principal investigator
Pedro Figueira

The research for extrasolar planets is one of the most active subjects of research in astronomy. Simultaneously fed by and motivating technological developments, the most recent results had far-reaching implications on out understanding of planet properties, our own Solar System, and even life.

Through this project we propose to study the presence of low-mass planets, down to one Earth-mass, orbiting around the lightweight M-dwarf stars. These stellar hosts provide the perfect scenario not only for the detection of light planets but also for the characterization of massive extrasolar planets. In order to do so we will foster the collaboration, technology transfer and knowledge exchange between the portuguese CAUP anda the french IPAG institutes, and maximize the output of existing observation and instrumentation collaborations.

Portuguese Node: CAUP
Co-PI: Pedro Figueira

French Node: IPAG
Co-PI: Xavier Bonfils

Funding institution
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Start: 1 January 2015
End: 31 March 2017