Mercedes Mollá
CIEMAT-Madrid, División de Astrofísica de Partículas
Stars are born, evolve and die. Low mass stars die as planetary nebulae while the most massive stars explode as Supernovae. The Supernova Ia are the final end of a binary stellar system. All of them have an impact on the galaxy in which they are produced since the elements created in these processes by stellar nucleosynthesis are ejected to the interstellar medium (ISM). They are diluted and later incorporated into the next generation of stars. In this way the rate of star formation is directly related to the elemental abundances measured in galaxies. Observations of the emission lines of HII regions give to us the information to estimate these abundances from which, with the adequate tools, we may extract the evolutionary histories of each region
20 fevereiro 2013, 13:30
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