A New Era for Exoplanet Imaging

Gael Chauvin
Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble

With the development of high contrast imaging instruments and techniques, vast efforts have been devoted during the past decade to detect and characterize lighter, cooler and closer companions to nearby stars, and ultimately image new planetary systems. Complementary to other observing techniques (radial velocity, transit, micro-lensing, pulsar-timing and astrometry), this approach has opened a new astrophysical window to study the physical properties and the formation and evolution mechanisms of giant planets at orbits larger than a few AUs. I will present the main motivations to use deep imaging to search for exoplanets and review the constant progress achieved thanks to improved performances of advanced instrumentation and data analysis techniques. I will particularly insist on the exciting and attractive perspectives offered with the forthcoming SPHERE planet imager that will arrive on sky in early-2013.

1 junho 2012, 13:30

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