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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

One of the closest exoplanet pairs to the 3:2 mean motion resonance: K2-19b and c

D. J. Armstrong, A. Santerne, D. Veras, S. C. C. Barros, O. Demangeon, J. Lillo Box, J. McCormac, H. P. Osborn, M. Tsantaki, J. -M. Almenara, D. Barrado-Navascues, I. Boisse, A. S. Bonomo, D. J. A. Brown, G. Bruno, J. Rey Cerda, B. Courcol, M. Deleuil, R. F. Díaz, A. P. Doyle, G. Hébrard, J. Kirk, K. W. F. Lam, D. Pollacco, A. S. Rajpurohit, J. Spake, S. R. Walker


Aims. The K2 mission has recently begun to discover new and diverse planetary systems. In December 2014, Campaign 1 data from the mission was released, providing high-precision photometry for ~22 000 objects over an 80-day timespan. We searched these data with the aim of detecting more important new objects.
Methods. Our search through two separate pipelines led to the independent discovery of K2-19b and c, a two-planet system of Neptune-sized objects (4.2 and 7.2 R), orbiting a K dwarf extremely close to the 3:2 mean motion resonance. The two planets each show transits, sometimes simultaneously owing to their proximity to resonance and the alignment of conjunctions.
Results. We obtained further ground-based photometry of the larger planet with the NITES telescope, demonstrating the presence of large transit timing variations (TTVs), and used the observed TTVs to place mass constraints on the transiting objects under the hypothesis that the objects are near but not in resonance. We then statistically validated the planets through the PASTIS tool, independently of the TTV analysis.

Palavras chave
planets and satellites: individual: EPIC201505350c, planets and satellites: detection, planets and satellites: general, planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability, planets and satellites: individual: EPIC201505350b

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume 582, Página A33
outubro 2015

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Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço

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