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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Oscillation mode frequencies of 61 main-sequence and subgiant stars observed by Kepler

T. Appourchaux, W. J. Chaplin, R. A. García, M. Gruberbauer, G. A. Verner, H. M. Antia, O. Benomar, T. L. Campante, G. R. Davies, S. Deheuvels, R. Handberg, S. Hekker, R. Howe, C. Régulo, D. Salabert, T. R. Bedding, T. R. White, J. Ballot, S. Mathur, V. Silva Aguirre, Y. Elsworth, S. Basu, R. L. Gilliland, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, H. Kjeldsen, K. Uddin, M. C. Stumpe, T. Barclay

Context. Solar-like oscillations have been observed by Kepler and CoRoT in several solar-type stars, thereby providing a way to probe the stars using asteroseismology
Aims. We provide the mode frequencies required for performing comparison with those obtained from stellar modelling.
Methods. Time series of 9 months of data have been used. The power spectra of 61 main-sequence and subgiant stars have been analysed using both Maximum Likelihood Estimators and Bayesian estimators, providing individual mode characteristics such as frequencies, linewidths, and mode heights.We derived and describe a methodology for extracting a single set of mode frequencies from multiple sets derived by different methods and individuals. We report on how one can assess the quality of the fitted parameters using the likelihood ratio test and the posterior probabilities.
Results. Here we give the mode frequencies of 61 stars (with their 1-σ error bars), as well as their associated échelle diagrams.

Palavras chave
asteroseismology - stars: solar-type - stars: oscillations

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume 543, Página A54_1
julho 2012

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Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço

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