15-19 September 2014, Porto, Portugal

Conference Poster - Click to download an A3 PDF file
Scientific Rationale
The study of extrasolar planets is one of the most active areas of research of modern astronomy. The number of discoveries attests for the importance of a topic that reaches out and captivates the imagination of scientists and public alike.

Central to this research is the characterization of the planet's host star properties. Several reasons exist for that:
This conference aims at reviewing the state of the art of star-planet connection, with some focus on the detection and characterization of Earth like planets orbiting other stars. We propose to debate how the field of extrasolar planets will evolve in respect to this and how it will face the challenges of the upcoming years.


Scientific Organizing Committee Local Organizing Committee
Xavier Bonfils Pedro Figueira (co-chair)
François Bouchy Manuel Monteiro
David Charbonneau Annelies Mortier
Pedro Figueira (co-chair) Mahmoudreza Oshagh
Guillermo Gonzalez Paulo Peixoto
Garik Israelian Elsa Silva
Jon Jenkins Nuno Santos
Christophe Lovis Sérgio Sousa (co-chair)
Michel Mayor
Ansgar Reiners
Nuno Santos (co-chair)
Sérgio Sousa (co-chair)
Jeff Valenti


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