Thursday, 30 MARCH 2000

9:00 am Registration and opening
Session 1: "The Solar System"
9:30 am 'Planets and small bodies'
review by G. Schwehm (ESA-ESTEC), 45 min.
10:15 am 'The Solar System'
Invited review by I. Williams (QWM), 45 min.
11:00 am Coffee Break
11:30 am 'Differential Mixing of Chemical Species by Transient Eddies in Titan's Stratosphere'
by David Luz (OAL)
11:45 am 'Planetary and Space Science in Portugal'
by Maarten Roos-Serote (OAL)
Conference picture

12:30 pm Lunch Break

Session 2: "The Sun"
2:30 pm 'The Sun and the heliosphere'
review by P. Brekke (ESA, SOHO/GSFC), 45 min.
3:15 pm 'The Sun'
Invited review by R. Rutten (Utrecht/DOT), 45 min.
4:00 pm Coffee Break
4:30 pm 'Seismology of the Sun and other solar type stars'
by Mário João Monteiro (CAUP/FCUP)
4:45 pm 'Opacity studies with SOHO-SUMER and CDS'
by David Brooks (CAUP)
5:00 pm 'The coronal magnetic field inferred from in situ observations of the solar wind'
by João José Lima (CAUP/FCUP)
5:15 pm 'Wind models with a complete energy equation'
by Leandro Machado (CAUP)

Friday, 31 MARCH 2000

Session 3: "The Cold Universe - from the ISM to the CMB"
9:00 am 'The Cold Universe'
review by M. Kessler (ESA-Villafranca), 45 min.
9:45 am 'Star Formation research with NGST'
review by M. Meyer (Steward Observatory), 45 min.
10:30 am 'The cooling function in Orion shocks'
by Amadeu Fernandes (CAUP)
10:45 am 'Near infrared veiling in T Tauri stars'
by Daniel Folha (CAUP)
11:00 am 'Emission line variability in T Tauri stars'
by Jorge Filipe Gameiro (CAUP/FCUP)
11:15 am Coffee Break
11:45 am 'Cosmological parameter estimation with the CMB'
Invited review by A.N. Lasenby (Cambridge), 45 min.
12:30 pm 'VLS Cosmologies'
by Carlos Martins (DAMTP)
12:45 pm 'VLS theories and the doppler peak'
by Graça Rocha (CAUP/Oxford)
1:00 pm Lunch Break

Session 4: "The Hot Universe - from stars to galaxy clusters"
2:30 pm 'The Hot Universe'
review by A. Parmar (ESA-ESTEC), 45 min.
3:15 pm 'X-rays in Stellar Astrophysics'
review by J. Schmitt (Hamburg Sternwarte), 45 min.
4:00 pm 'The UV/X-ray connection'
by Vitor Costa (CAUP/ISEP)
4:15 pm 'Eddington: a stellar physics and planetary finding explorer'
by Fabio Favata (ESA-ESTEC)
4:35 pm 'Magnetic perturbations to stellar pulsations'
by Margarida Cunha (CAUP)
4:50 pm Coffee Break
5:10 pm 'GAIA: mapping the origin and evolution of the Milky'
by Fabio Favata (ESA-ESTEC)
5:30 pm 'X-rays in Extragalactic Astronomy'
Invited review by S. Allen (Cambridge), 45 min.
6:15 pm 'Science with a XMM-Newton serendipitous galaxy cluster survey'
by Pedro Viana (CAUP/FCUP)
6:30 pm 'Looking at distant galaxy clusters'
by Catarina Lobo (OAL)
6:45 pm 'Stellar populatios in BL Lac type objects'
by Margarida Serote-Roos (OAL)
Saturday, 1 APRIL 2000

Session 5: "The Frontiers"
9:00 am 'ESA's Science Programme - Solar System Exploration and Astronomy and potencial missions in Fundamental Physics'
review by M. Huber (ESA-ESTEC), 50 min.
9:50 am 'New views from the ground: VLT/VLTI'
review by M. Tarenghi (ESO), 50 min.
10:40 pm Coffee Break
11:15 am "Opportunities for Portugal in ESA"
'The PRODEX programme'
by H. Olthof (ESA), 20 min.
Open discussion with invited government officials and industry representatives


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