28-30 Abril 2009, Vila Pouca da Beira, Portugal

Most of the information on stars ever collected come from their surface. Therefore, the limitations of stellar physics over the last century could be summarized in a simple question: how to reconcile models for the interiors of stars and observational quantities reflecting mostly their outer layers?
Asteroseismology has long been thought as being the key to this problem. It indeed offers the unique possibility of drilling the stellar interior. In the case of the so-called classical pulsators, observations of stellar oscillations trace back to decades ago. However, only recently has it become possible to observe them for a wide range of stellar types, thanks to decisive improvements in photometry and high-precision spectroscopy. Today, asteroseismology has entered its space age, with missions such as CoRoT or Kepler. And the years to come will see the application of this method reach its full extent.

The Iberian Community has been active in the field of stellar physics and asteroseismology. The first Iberian meeting on Asteroseismology was help in Granada in 2008. This workshop is the continuation of last year effort to bring together the asteroseismologists from Spain and Portugal. Following the spirit of the first meeting, presentations will be organized to stimulate informal discussions and the exploration of common interests. The main goal of this reunion is to share the experience accumulated in the research centre throughout Iberia and the various existing points of view.

A remarkable aspect of this young Iberian Asteroseismic tradition is the location of the workshop. Searchers are this year invited to meet in Vila Pouca de Beira. The Convento do Desagravo is located in the centre of Portugal, in the hilly region close to the Serra da Estrela and the Serra do Açor. It is one of the famous Pousada de Portugal, renowned for their beautiful settings and cuisine.