Multivariante analyses of multicolour photometry for mode identification

Margit Paparó and Lajos G. Balázs
Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary


A generally accepted view that for mode identification of stars we need longer and longer data sets with higher and higher precision for reaching a similar systematic arrangement of modes that we have for the Sun (small and large separations). Hopefully the space mission's data will fulfill these criteria but the fact still exists that the stars are much further than our Sun. The precision maybe not as high as we wish and the resolution is not two-dimensional.
Preparing ourself for the space mission's era an independent line of observational investigation is suggested that is not supported by any theoretical prediction at this moment (non-radial, non-linear models are missing). If some regularities are searched and found among the modes with largest amplitudes, the critical point of mode identification for most of the astroseismologically interesting targets is getting to be more treatable.
Tucanae is one of the best studied Scuti star based on Stromgren multicolour photometry. For the excited modes with largest amplitudes the richness of observational parameters (frequencies, amplitudes and phases) is at our disposal. The regularities of excited modes of Tucanae (frequency spacing, amplitude and phase behaviour) has been checked on two-dimensional planes (Paparó & Sterken, AA, 362. pp. 245).
A result of multivariante analyses of multicolour photometry of Tucanae is presented. Multivariate clustering methods are used to find structures. Hierarchical clustering was performed for finding similarities, assuming squared Euclidean distances among cases (frequencies) and variables. Several agglomeration methods of SPSS statistical software package were used for getting groups or any other definite structures in n-dimensional space.

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