roAp stars versus noAp stars: a theoretical approach

M.S. Cunha
Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto, Rua das Estrelas, 4150-762 Porto, Portugal
Instituto Superior da Maia, Av. Carlos de Oliveira Campos, 4475-690, Avioso S. Pedro, Castelo da Maia, Portugal


Observations have failed to find high frequency pulsations in many candidates to rapidly oscillating Ap stars. This indicates that either the latter (usually known as noAp stars) do not pulsate in high frequencies or the amplitudes of their oscillations are below the observational threshold. In the present work we investigate what, in the light of the excitation mechanism developed by Balmforth et al., could prevent high frequency oscillations from being excited in noAp stars, or, alternatively, what could prevent high frequency oscillations present in these stars from being observed. Finally, the theoretical findings are interpreted in the light of some of the systematic differences that according to recent literature are found when data on roAp and noAp stars are compared.

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