Multiperiodicity of 21 Mon

P. López de Coca1, S.-L. Kim2, M.A. Hobart3, A. Rolland1, H. Lee2, J.M. García-Pelayo1, and S. Cho2
1 Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC, P.O. Box 3004, E-18080 Granada, Spain
2 Korea Astronomical Observatory, Taejon, 305-348, Korea
3 Facultad de Física, Universidad Veracruzana, P.O. Box 270, Xalapa, Mexico


We present the results derived from the data obtained during the multisite campaign 2002 (Mexico, Korea and Spain) of the Sct-type variable 21 Mon. Analysis of the data in the Johnson V band, using the Fourier transform method, shows a complex frequency spectrum.

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