Relativistic Motion on kilo-pc Scales in Radio Galaxies and Quasars

Dennett-Thorpe, J.1,2, Scheuer, P.A.G.2, Bridle, A.H.B.3, and Laing, R.A.L.4

1 University of Lisbon, Portugal
2 M.R.A.O., Cambridge, U.K.
3 N.R.A.O., Charlottesvile, U.S.A.
4 R.G.O., Cambridge, U.K.

We present evidence for relativistic bulk motion in powerful radio sources. This motion continues to {\it kiloparsec} scales, indeed, right to the sites of jet disruption. High quality, high resolution radio continuum spectral maps of two samples of quasars and radio galaxies show spectral asymmetries, srongly correlated to jet side in the hotspot regions of the quasars only. This is most easily interpreted, using Unified Schemes, as a relativistic effect. The result is consistent with previous reported spectral asymmetries, and resolves previous questions as to their origin. The lack of asymmetry in spectral behaviour in the BLRG is noted, along with the problem posed for the conventional place of BLRG in Unified Schemes, and some suggestions made to resolve this apparent problem.

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