16-18 September 2009, Ponte de Lima, Portugal

The discussion will be focussed on stars expected to support oscillations whose physics is potentially sufficiently well understood for reasonably reliable seismological inferences to be anticipated.

This agenda is intended to stimulate thought and to promote further suggestions that are of interest or potential interest to the meeting. Please send us your suggestions ( by e-mail to mcunha@astro.up.pt), or talk to us during the first day of the meeting.

Part 1: synopsis

Part 2: Discussion

Part 3: Tasks

With the amount of data already available or envisaged for the near future, the focus of the community will be on dealing with "real" data and applying the different techniques to to make inferences about particular aspects of their structure. Still, are our inference tools sufficiently tested?

How far have we gone in terms of systematic studies that go beyond forward modelling?

Set tasks for the future to validate the alternative inference tools.