This is the fifth in a series of meetings which aim to encourage interactions and collaborations between researchers working in cosmology and related areas in Portugal and Spain. Researchers working in other countries are also most welcome. Previous meetings in this series were held in Madrid 2009, Lisboa 2008, Bilbao 2007 and Porto 2006.
The meetings are informal, and there is no registration fee. There are also no invited speakers, parallel sessions, or posters. Blackboard talks are encouraged, and all the time slots are of equal length. All participants wishing to speak can do so, by naming a topic when they register. Should there be excessive demand, preference will be given to younger participants. In addition to the talks, there may also be time for guided discussions, particularly if there are several requests for talks on a common hot topic.
Unlike most conferences and workshops, where speakers typically present finished pieces of work, these meetings are designed to encourage the presentation of work in progress (or even being started or planned). In this way the opportunities for constructive feedback are enhanced, and in the long term this will lead to the development of productive collaborations.
Moreover, the meetings are not restricted to a single focused topic, but are open to cosmologists in the broadest sense, from theoretical particle physics to observational astrophysics. Stimulating interactions between theorists and observers is a particular concern of the organizers, and will be the key factor for the success of the meetings.
We look forward to seeing you in Porto!
Registration is now closed.
Scientific committee
Ana Achucarro (Leiden/Bilbao), Fernando Atrio-Barandela (Salamanca), Mar Bastero-Gil (Granada), Juan Garcia-Bellido (Madrid), Ruth Lazkoz (Bilbao), Carlos Martins (Porto), Jose Pedro Mimoso (Lisboa), David Mota (Oslo), Nelson Nunes (Heidelberg), Diego Pavon (Barcelona)
Local organizers
Rui Fernandes, Carlos Martins (Chair), Manuel Monteiro (Sysadmin), Andre Nunes, Pedro Pedrosa, Elsa Ramos, Elsa Silva (Admin), Arlindo Trindade
For any question or information please send an e-mail to