Joint HELAS and CoRoT/ESTA Workshop
20-23 November 2006, CAUP, Porto - Portugal

ROMOSC between MOST and CoRoT

Marian Doru Suran

Abstract. In the present paper we present the ROMOSC softare package, concerning the method of inversion in the problem of pulsating stars. This package was specially created to be used in the COROT space mission. The package (ROMOSC method, used in Bucharest Observatory) includes an automatic line of stellar evolution determinations (CESAM2k_V2) and pulsational data calculations (LNANRWE- linear, nonadiabatic, nonradial, Suran 1991) for entire traks in the HR diagram. For different observed stars, based on this grid of tracks, in the package is also included a chi**2 [(O-C)**2] method for the calculation of the minima in the associated inverse problem. The ROMOSC model was used to test, calibrate, and solve different types of stars observed in the MOST space mission. The results include Eta Boo star (a high-p order Delta Scuti star, with 40 pulsational modes) and HD163830 star (a high-g order B (SPB) star, with 18 pulsational modes). Also the possibility to decelate the evolutionary status of pulsating stars are discussed for the groung observed star V351 Ori (pre/post-MS type star).