Joint HELAS and CoRoT/ESTA Workshop
20-23 November 2006, CAUP, Porto - Portugal

Stellar Evolution and Seismic Tools for Asteroseismology,
Diffusive Processes in Stars and Seismic Analysis
(Eds) C.W. Straka, Y. Lebreton, M.J.P.F.G. Monteiro, 2007,
EAS Publications Series, Vol 26, 199 pages (EDP-Sciences),
ISBN: 978-2-7598-0029-2

Scientific Rational
Stars are the primary visual constituents of the Universe and are also the source of chemical enrichment with important implications for galactic evolution including our Milky Way. Ground- and space-based missions for detecting the seismic signals of stars are becoming increasingly important tools to advance our understanding of the physics, structure and evolution of stars. With more and more accurate seismic data, stellar models are playing a key role for inferring a more detailed picture of the physical processes ongoing in real stars of varying types. This meeting is part of a larger effort to join forces among the stellar model builder community to take full advantage of current and future seismic data. The primary focus of this meeting will be on element diffusion in stars.

The aim of the meeting is to extend the model and frequency comparisons taking place under the CoRoT/ESTA work towards the development and optimisation of evolution and seismic codes. This workshop follows on previous efforts of the CoRoT/ESTA Team. Its primary objectives are to advance the comparisons of frequencies and models with diffusion as proposed under Task 2 (frequency comparisons) and Task 3 (model comparisons including diffusion).

The format of the workshop is chosen to maximize the interaction between the attendants and to foster an atmosphere conductive to discussion. Therefore, contributed talks on open issues are especially encouraged. In addition to the oral contributions (and maybe also posters) ample time will be reserved for actual working sessions. Consequently it is expected to be limited to a maximum number of participants. The workshop starts on Monday, November 20th at 9 o'clock in the morning and ends on Thursday, November 23rd at noon.

Registration is now open to all colleagues and financial support may be available from the European Helio- and Asteroseismology Network (HELAS). Financial support can be requested online after registration. Further details on the programme will be released soon.

Important dates
October, 30th - Financial Support request deadline: CLOSED
November, 6th - Registration deadline: CLOSED
November, 13th - Contributed talks/posters abstract submission deadline: CLOSED
January, 31st - Proceedings submission deadline


Mario J.P.F.G. Monteiro, Christian W. Straka, Yveline Lebreton