COSLAB Workshop
Cosmological Phase Transitions and Topological Defects

22-24 May 2003, Porto - Portugal

Thursday, 22nd (Seminar Room, Centre for Astrophysics)

09h30 Tom Girard (CFNUL, Lisbon): Opening and Introduction to COSLAB
10h30 Coffee
11h00 Arttu Rajantie (Cambridge): Phase Transitions in the Early Universe
12h00 Lunch
14h30 Ray Rivers (Imperial): Patterns of Symmetry Breaking in Cosmology and the Laboratory
15h30 Jose Maria Tavares (CFTC, Lisbon): Equilibrium structure and Phase transitions in Dipolar Fluids
16h30 Tea
17h00 Jorge Paramos (CFNUL, Lisbon): Constraints on Topological Defect Formation in First-order Superconducting Phase Transitions
Public Talk (Auditorium, Centre for Astrophysics)

21h00 Arttu Rajantie (Cambridge): Defect Formation - Experimental Cosmology
Friday 23rd (Room 0.30, Applied Maths Department)

09h30 Ray Rivers (Imperial): Dynamical Models of Cosmological and Laboratory Phase Transitions and their Experimental Confirmation
10h30 Coffee
11h00 Arttu Rajantie (Cambridge): Defect Formation
12h00 Lunch
14h30 Paul Shellard (Cambridge): Cosmic Defect Evolution
15h30 Tom Girard (CFNUL, Lisbon): Defect Detection in Superconductors
16h30 Tea
17h00 Orfeu Bertolami (CFNUL, Lisbon): Three Tests of Gravity
20h00 Workshop Dinner
Saturday 24th (Room 0.30, Applied Maths Department)

09h30 Paul Shellard (Cambridge): Cosmological Consequences of Topological Defects
10h30 Coffee
11h00 Carlos Martins (CAUP, Porto): The Velocity-dependent One-scale Model
12h00 Lunch
14h30 Carlos Martins (CAUP, Porto): Non-standard Roles for Cosmic Defects
15h10 Joana Oliveira (CFP, Porto): The Scaling Properties of Domain Wall Networks
15h50 Luís Beça (CFP, Porto): 2dF Constraints on Cosmic String Scenarios
16h30 Tea
17h00 Tom Girard (CFNUL, Lisbon): Closing Remarks

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