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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
The contribute of quasars to the reionization of the Universe

Luisa M. Serrano

The reionization is a period of the Universe history in which the intergalactic medium (IGM) was ionized by the first forming energy sources, first stars, glaxies and QSOs. The first atomic nucleus to be ionized was hydrogen, followed by helium. Today I will present you a statistic work operated on a wide sample of QSOs, at redshifts 3.4 < z < 4.2, with the aim to determine their contribution to the escape fraction of ionizing photons and if at those redshifts QSOs could be considered the only one source of reionization.

14 April 2016, 13:30

Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
Rua das Estrelas
4150-762 Porto