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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
Line Profile Variations In Cool Stars Finding a Physical Correlation Between Li Abundance And Chromospheric Activity: The Planet-Host Search

Eliana Amazo-Gómez

PolarBase contains stellar spectropolarimetric data collected with the NARVAL and ESPaDOnS instruments, (Petit et al. 2014). Their respective spectral resolutions are 65.000 and 68.000, in spectropolarimetric mode. As the first part of this work, we use the NARVAL spectropolarimetric repositories. We selected spectra from a sample of cool stars with effective Temperature Teff ranging between 4900 to 6300 K. This sample contains stellar systems with and without reported exoplanets. We exploit the full wavelength range from 380 to 900 nm in order to obtain chromospheric indexes such as the Ca II H & K: S-Index, Ca II IRT and H_alpha index. We calibrated our measurements using the Mount Wilson S-Index values. Furthermore, we employ lithium (Li) abundance measurements from the literature (Gonzalez, et al. 2010, Delgado Mena, et al. 2014, Israelian, et al. 2004), investigating in this way a possible correlation between the chromospheric activity measurements and the Li abundance in 52 selected cool stars.

30 September 2015, 13:30

Centro de Astrofísica
Rua das Estrelas
4150-762 Porto