Reaching for the stars: the European Extremely Large Telescope

Jochen Liske

404 years after Galileo Galilei first pointed a telescope at the night sky European astronomers are set to build the largest optical telescope ever in the Chilean Atacama desert: with a diameter of nearly 40 meters the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) is one of the most ambitious science projects on (and off) the planet - our biggest "eye on the sky".

ESO astronomer Joe Liske (a.k.a. Dr J, star of the Hubblecast and ESOcast video podcasts) will provide a preview of the largest optical telescope ever, and will discuss the science and technology of this megaproject. Does life exist beyond planet Earth? What did the first galaxies look like? And what exactly is this mysterious "Dark Energy" that's been in the news so much lately? These are the fascinating questions Dr J will address.

15 outubro 2013, 21:15

Centro de Astrofísica
Rua das Estrelas
4150-762 Porto