Space Weather and Europe - an Educational Tool with the Sun (SWEETS)

FP6-2005-Science and Society-19-044532 (SAS6)

Rainer Hippler (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald, Alemanha)

Coordenador no CAUP
Filipe A. L. Pires

Space weather (sw) is primarily an astronomical phenomenon due to the solar activity and cosmic rays but its study is by nature interdisciplinary and encompasses various fields of physics, engineering and human activities. SW showed already significant effects like failures in satellite navigation (GPS), in telecommunication, or spacecraft losses, electricity cut off, pipeline corrosion, radiation risks on aircraft passengers and electronics. It will increase the impacts on every day life - like for instance on applications of Galileo satellite navigation. SW effects on terrestrial weather like global warming are studied, on long-term climate change and on biological systems have been conjectured. SWEETS will also demonstrate the beauty and significance of the Sun, solar activities, cosmic rays and space weather to Europe. The solar aspect of this phenomenon becomes known more and more to the public. However the other ones remain largely ignored despite of its great potential of interest for several scientific, commercial and security sectors all over Europe. Europe achieved significant capacities in the field of space weather as well as solar science and this should be presented in the public. SWEETS project aims to promoting and raising public awareness by means of 13 very attractive and high quality deliverables (sw mobile truck tour, CD-Rom, exhibitions, rocket & balloon campaign and others) during science weeks and festivals in 27 countries all over Europe.

SWEETS consortium consists of 17 members. ESA, EU/ESF COST actions 724 & 296 and the International Heliophysical Year 2007 also support and cooperate with SWEETS activities. SWEETS is a continuation of a tradition of European collaboration on the 50th anniversary of International Geophysical Year (1957-2007). Insofar SWEETS also promotes European scientific excellence worldwide.

Instituição financiadora
European Commission

Início: 1 janeiro 2007
Fim: 31 dezembro 2007

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European Union  Sixth Framework Programme