Christian W. Straka

This researcher left CAUP in 31 January 2009

+351 226 089 892


Biographic notes
Current research interests focus on the effects of turbulence and time-dependent convection on the structure of the outer layers of sun-like stars. The non-local and non-coherent nature of turbulence is studied with 3-dimensional, fully-compressible Large Eddy Simulations. In particular, these simulations are used to quantify and predict observable deviations from the asymptotic theory of seismic frequencies. His research is dedicated to interpreting seismic properties of solar-type stars and thrives to improve the physical ingredients of stellar evolution theory.
Lastest publications at CAUP/IA
P. Demarque, D. B. Guenther, A. Mazumdar, C. W. Straka, 2008,
YREC: The Yale Rotating Stellar Evolution Code - Non-rotating version, seismology applications,
Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, 31 - 41
>> Abstract